What is cellucor c4 ingredients ? You want to buy it but you want to know what are the cellucor c4 ingredients. Read this article and we will provide information about ingredients that are used to make cellucor c4.
Celllucor c4 is one of supplement products for pre-workout energy that is much sought after in the market. Indeed, before you buy a Celllucor c4 it would be good to know what is celllucor c4 ingredients are used to create the product.
Why knowing ingredients product is important ?
There are some people who have allergies to certain chemicals that are usually contained in a supplement. So if we know the materials used to make the products we will be able to determine whether the product is suitable for us or not suitable.
What is cellucor c4 ingredients ?
Creatine Nitrate
Creatine Nitrate is a blend of creatine and nitric acid produces a compound blend that is able to increase pathways of muscle toward nutrition so that the delivery of nutrients to be faster and increase muscle power.
Arginine AKG
Arginine AKG (alpha-ketoglutarate) is able to boost immunity and increase growth hormone. It also stimulate adrenaline and makes the muscles become stronger so that the blood supplied to the body more efficient premises.
N-Acetyl-L-tyrosine is an amino acid compound which will produce HGH hormones that can increase energy, consciousness and mental alertness.
Mucuna pruriens
Mucuna pruriens is widely known as the velvet bean, mucuna pruriens will be result in amino acid dopamine is able to stimulate growth hormone. In the brain dopamine will be converted into norepinephrine, norepinephrine serves as a hormone that will be trigger an adrenaline response from the bod and increase metabolism.
Folic acid
Folic acid serves as a giver and a sense of calm will help the formation of new cells that are useful for improvement
Niacinamide This will serve to enhance the performance of the joints of the body and muscle strength. Niacinamide will decreases muscular fatigue
Synephrine HCI
Synephrine will produce a compound of stone burning body fat, increase metabolism and increase the hormone adrenaline.
Pyridoxal phosphate
Pyridoxal phosphate will produce active form of B6 that will enhance the body's energy, repair damaged muscle and increase growth hormone
That is information about ingredients are used in making cellucor c4 hopefully with this article you do not need to ask about what is cellucor c4 ingredients any more or you want to know about cellucor c4 reviews.